Studies on the efficacy of some bacteria and fungi for control of Globodera restochiensis
Plant Protection Institute, Kostinbrod, Bulgaria (1)
Biocontrol potential of B. thuringiensis var. berliner (Kustom larvo WT-1 ml/pot), var. kurstaki (Kostar 76 LW-1 ml/pot), Saccharopolyspora spinosa (Treisr 480 EC-1 ml/pot), Fusarium spp. (1; 2; 4 g mycelium/pot) and Trichoderma spp. (1; 5; 10 g mycelium/pot) against G. rostochiensis on potato was examined in glasshouse. They were applied to the soil with the planting. All treatments improved the plant growth and yield of potatoes, being greatest with Kostar 76 LW. The greatest increase in the yield occurred in the Oxamyl application (16.6%) followed by Kostar 76 LW or Fusarium spp. (9.9%), Kustom larvo WT (8.2%) and Trichoderma spp. (6.6%). The percentage of infected females was from 40.5% to 48.9%, from 29.6% to 49.3% and from 28.1% to 31.5% when applied fungi Fusarium spp. Trichoderma spp. and bacterial preparations respectively. The bioagents caused significant inhibitory effect on multiplication of the nematode. Reproduction rates decreased from 27.7% to 33.3% by bacterial preparations and from 36.0% to 44.4% by both fungi in comparison with the control.