Instructions for Authors
By submitting a manuscript authors warrant that their contribution to the Journalis their original work, that it has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out.
Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the experimental results and must make sure that they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public.
Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors.
Authors must make sure that all only contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors and, conversely, that all contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors.
The registration of the authors and the submission of the papers should be done via the following link:
Manuscripts are to be pre-evaluated at the Editorial Office in order to check whether they meet the basic publishing requirements and quality standards. They are also screened for plagiarism.
Authors will be notified by email upon receiving their submission. Only those contributions which conform to the following instructions can be accepted for peer-review. Otherwise, the manuscripts shall be returned to the authors with observations, comments and annotations.
Authors must follow the instructions for authors strictly, failing which the manuscripts would be rejected without review.
The manuscript should be written in MS-Wordin, doc, docx, format. Font Times New Roman, font size 12, single spacing, margin 2.5 cm should be used when writing the paper. Page numbering should be avoided.
Original scientific paper - The paper should report the unpublished results of original research. This paper should occupy 6 to 12 pages.
Review article - The article which contains original, detailed and critical review of research problem or area where the author has made a certain contribution, noticed by auto citation (at least 10). This article should occupy 15 to 20 pages.
Preliminary communication - Original research paper of full format, small-scale or preliminary character. It should occupy 2 to 6 pages.
The obligatory parts of each Original scientific paper and Preliminary communication are the following: Title of the paper, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address(es) of affiliations, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References and Summary in Serbian (if manuscript is submitted in English and vice versa). The obligatory parts of each Review article are the following: Title of the paper, Name(s) of author(s), Complete postal address(es) of affiliations, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Analysis-discussion of a certain topic, Conclusion, References and Summary in Serbian (if manuscript is submitted in English and vice versa). If manuscript is written in English British version is preffered.
Title of the paper
The title of the paper should describe the content of the paper as accurately and concisely as possible. Authors are recommended to use words in the title which are suitable for indexing and browsing purposes. The title should be centred and written in capital letters. If the paper has already been announced at certain meeting as an oral presentation, under the same or similar title, the datum should be stated on it at the bottom of the first page, after the data of the corresponding author.
Authors' Names
First name, middle initial(s) and last (family) name of all authors, in the original form, should be provided. The names should be written below the title, in lower-case letters, centred and bolded. If several different affiliations need to be mentioned, using the command ''insert footnote'', consecutive numerals should be placed as the superscript after the respective author's name. The corresponding author should be designated with an asterisk as the superscript, after the last (family) name, and his/her e-mail address should be given under the line, at the bottom of the first page of the paper.
Authors' Affiliations
The full name and address of the institution where the author is employed should be provided. It should be centred and written immediately after the author's name. If authors belong to different institutions, the numerals should be placed as the superscript before the name of institution to provide information on the institution where each of the stated authors is employed.
The abstract is a short informative review of the content of the paper, which should enable the reader to estimate its relevance easily and accurately. It is in the interests of the author that the abstract contains terms used for indexing and browsing purposes. The references should not be given in the abstract. The abstract should include the aim of research, the methods, the results and the conclusion. It should contain between 200 and 250 words and be placed between the name of the authors' affiliations and key words. The title of the abstract should be bolded and indented pressing the tab key. The colon should be used after the title of the abstract, and then the text of the abstract should follow without any indentation.
Key words
Key words are terms or phrases which describe best the content of the article for the needs of indexing and browsing purposes. The number of key words should be 3 to 10. They should appear below the abstract. The title of key words should be bolded and indented by pressing the tab key. The colon should be used after the title, and then the list of key words in lower-case letters should be given with the full stop at the end. Key words should be provided in Serbian and English after abstract on both languages.
The introduction should contain all the relevant information on past researches according to the stated problem and what can be achieved by further research. Reviewing the references, the author and the year should be provided, and the mentioned author should be cited in References. The title of the introduction should be centred and bolded, written in lower-case letters, below which using one line spacing, the text of the introduction should follow, justified. Each new paragraph should be indented pressing the tab key. These rules should be applied to all parts of the paper.
Material and Methods
The material and methods should be clearly outlined explaining all applied procedures in the paper. Generally known methods should be presented briefly, and a detailed explanation should be given if there is a deviation from previously published procedures. Papers, which have an experimental character, should provide the way of statistical data processing. This part, as well as the part Results and Discussion, if needed, may comprise certain subparts, too.
Results and Discussion
In the part Results and Discussion data obtained on the basis of observation and conducted experiments should be interpreted. In the comment of the results, references should be quoted at the end of the paper, providing the comparison between the obtained results and previous knowledge of the certain area.
All relevant items achieved in the researched area should be mentioned in the conclusion. Listing of all results with repetition of numbers previously specified in Results and Discussion should be avoided. Conclusion should not contain references.
Acknowledgements should contain the title and the number of the project that is the title of the program within which the paper was written, as well as the name of the institution which financed the project or program. It should be placed between the conclusion and references.
The References section should contain only papers cited in the main text. The paper cited in the text should contain the last (family) name and the year. If the citation is comprised of one author, it is stated as Jalikop (2010) or (Jalikop, 2010). When the citation is comprised of the two authors it is stated as Sadras and Soar (2009) or (Sadras and Soar, 2009). If more than two authors are cited, after the last (family) name of the first author, the abbreviation ''et al.'' is given, and then the year. This citation is stated as Lehrer et al. (2008) or (Lehrer et al., 2008). If more than one paper are cited simultaneously for a certain problem, they should be listed chronologically. A large number of cited papers out of brackets should be separated by comma (,) and if in brackets, by semicolon (;). If two or more papers of the same author are cited, they must be listed chronologically (1997, 2002, 2006, etc.). If a certain author appears several times for the same year, the letters are added (2005a, b, c, etc.). The citations of personal communication and unpublished papers should be avoided, except that it is an absolute necessity. Such citations should appear in the text only as (Brown, personal communication), and not in the list of References.
The references, cited in the text should be stated in the list of references in the original form, alphabetically, without numbering. If a greater number of publications of the same author is cited, then the papers where the author is the single author should first be cited and then the publications of the same author with one and then with more co-authors. If a considerable number of publications appear in any of the above mentioned categories, they should be listed chronologically (1997, 2002, 2006, etc.), and if a great number of publications is of the same year then the letters are added (2005a, 2005b, 2005c, etc.). References entry should contain: the last (family) name of the author, the first letter of the author's name, the year of publishing in the brackets, the title of the paper, the title of the journal, the volume and the number of pages (the first-the last). When the book is cited, the publisher and place of publishing should be given. The lines of each reference entry should be indented after the first line. APA - Publication Manual of the American Psychological Associationcitation style is used in this journal.
The examples of listing references are the following:
Gvozdenović, S., Saftić Panković, D., Jocić, S., & Radić, V. (2009). Correlation between heterosis and genetic distance based on SSR markers in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 54, 1–10.
Steel, R. G. D., & Torrie, J. H. (1980). Principles and procedures of statistics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Book chapter
Bell, R. L., Quamme, H. A., Layne, R. E. C., & Skirvin, R. M. (1996). Pears. In J. Janick & J. N. Moore (Eds.), Fruit breeding, Volume I: Tree and tropical fruits. (pp. 441–514). New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Behera, T. K., Staub, J. E., Behera, S., Rao, A. R., & Mason, S. (2008). One cycle of phenotypic selection combined with marker assisted selection for improving yield and quality in cucumber. In M. Pitrat (Ed.), Proceedings of the IXth EUCARPIA meeting on genetics and breeding of Cucurbitaceae (pp. 115–121). Avignon, France.
Singh, N. K. (1985). The structure and genetic control of endosperm proteins in wheat and rye. University of Adelaide.
Ballard, J. (1998). Some significant apple breeding stations around the world. Selah, Washington.
Web site
Platnick, N. I. (2010). The world spider catalog, version 10.5. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved February 12, 2016, from
The summary in Serbian is given at the end of the paper and should comprise 200 to 250 words. Before the main text of the summary, as well as in English, the title of the paper, first name, middle initial(s) and last (family) name of all authors and the names and addresses of affiliations should be given.The title of the summary is centred and written separately. Below the title, the text of the summary should follow, without any indentation, and immediately after the text of the summary, the key words are given with the full stop at the end. The e-mail address of the corresponding author should be given at the bottom of the page.
Tables numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, etc.), followed by the title should be placed in the text using 9 font size and a maximum width of 13 cm. They should be clear, simple and unambiguous. The vertical sections should be avoided, and the number of columns should be limited so that the table is not too wide. Also, an unnecessary usage of horizontal sections should be avoided. The title of the table, single spaced above the table, justified, and with the full stop at the end should be given. The detailed explanation of abbreviations, symbols and signs used in the table should be provided below the table. Each table must be mentioned in the text.
All graphs, diagrams and photographs should be titled ''Figure'' (1, 2, etc.). They should be placed in the text. Graphs and diagrams should be computer drawn, using 9 font size and a maximum width of 13 cm, so that they can be legible and distinct after the size reduction. The overuse of colours and hues should be avoided for aesthetic reasons. The detailed legend without abbreviations for each graph and diagram should be given. The photographs must be of high quality so that they can technically be well reproduced. They should be submitted in ''TIF'' or ''JPG'' format, and they will be printed in black and white. The title of the illustration should be justified, with a full stop at the end, single spaced from the illustration and given below it. Each illustration should be mentioned in the text.
Abbreviations and units
Only standardised abbreviations should be used in the paper. Measure units should be expressed using International System of Units (SI). The abbreviations can be used for other expressions provided these expressions are stated in the full form when appear for the first time with the abbreviated form in the brackets. Values from 1 to 9 can be written in letters, but others numerically.
The complete nomenclature (chemical and biochemical, taxonomical, genetic etc.) must be adjusted to international codes and commissions, such as International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, IUPAC-IUB Combined Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature, Enzyme Nomenclature, International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria etc.
All formulae and equations in the paper should be worked out by means of the programme ''WORD Equation''. An ample space should be left around the formulae for the sake of visibility. Subscripts and superscripts should be clear. Greek letters and other non-Latin symbols should be explained when they are first used. The meaning of all symbols should be given immediately after the equation where these symbols are first used. Equations should be numbered by Arabic numerals, serially in brackets, at the right-hand side. Each equation must be mentioned in the text as Eq. (1), Eq. (2), etc.
The corresponding author will be sent a free copy of the journal after it has been published.
All future associates are asked to prepare the paper according to the given instructions in order to facilitate the work of the Editorial Board. Unless the paper is prepared according to the given instructions it will not be accepted for the prospective publishing.
Editorial Board of the Journal
Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade