Management of stem borers on some quality protein maize varieties
Department of Crop Protection, Institute for Agricultural Research, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria (1,2)
Four Quality Protein Maize (QPM) varieties: Dent, Sakatifu, Flint, Sammaz 14 and TZEE (Local Check) were evaluated for their response to stem borers. Furadan 3G was applied at the rate of 20 kg/ha at planting for the control of the stem borers. The stem borers damage was assessed by determining the number of leaves with ‘windows’ and plants with ‘deadhearts’. The number of exit holes and tunnels on the stem were also determined and the tunnel length measured. Varieties Dent and Sakatifu had more windows, deadhearts, exit holes, tunnels and longer tunnel lengths than varieties Flint and Sammaz 14. The Furadan treatment reduced the borers infestation and increased the yield of the QPM varieties. Varieties Sakatifu and Dent were found to be more susceptible with tunnel lengths of 8.17 and 5.53 cm respectively. Sammaz 14 and Flint were found to be more tolerant to the stem borers infestation and gave the best yields of 3.19 and 2.95 tons/hectare respectively which were not significantly different from TZEE (check).