Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 55, No. 2 (2010)
Productivity of winter rye in organic vs. conventional cropping system Pages: 123 - 129
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Impact of management practices on Italian ryegrass seed quality Pages: 131 - 140
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Some nutritional and anti-nutritional factors of ZP soya bean varieties Pages: 141 - 146
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The use of river hopper barges as facilities for aquaculture: The growth characteristics of carp (Cyprinus carpio) depending on stocking density Pages: 147 - 155
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Background limit of Zn and Hg in soils of eastern Serbia Pages: 157 - 163
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Research results of long-term use of new line of machines and tools for land surface and depth arrangement Pages: 165 - 181
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The change of sowing structure as a strategy for improving competitiveness of family farms directed at the final production of fattened beef cattle Pages: 183 - 193
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Natural process and use of natural matters in organic viticulture Pages: 195 - 215
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