Veterány L.

Effect of the use of synthetic sound during incubation in chicken

Trenčín`s University of Aleksander Dubček in Trenčín, Institute of Health and Nursing, Trenčín, Slovak Republic (1,4)
Slovak University of Agriculture, Department of Morphology of Vertebrates, Nitra, Slovak Republic (2,3)


In the present work the effect of the use of synthetic sound during incubation in chicken of the Hampshire breed was studied. For the stimulation, an electronic sound generator with amplitude of power 1250 mV and time interval of 134 ms, 176 ms, 210 ms and 380 ms was used. The study was carried out in three experiments. In the 1 st experiment we tried to determine the influence of sound stimulation on the hatching of chickens from egg set of the variant of weight.

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