Involvement of cell-wall peroxidase in biochemical regulation of maize leaf growth

Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun (1)


The effect of drought on cell-wall peroxidase activity (bulk and spatial) was observed parallel with leaf growth parameters (leaf elongation rate - LER and segmental elongation rate - SER) in the third leaf of six maize genotypes differing in maturity grouping and drought resistance. From this experiment two contrasting genotypes were selected for the nitrogen deficiency experiment in which measurement of the same leaf growth parameters and enzyme activity were conducted. Obtained results showed that in both experimental systems the increase in bulk peroxidase activity was in a correlation with deceleration of leaf growth rate (LER), while increase in spatial peroxidase activity appeared at the beginning of SER declining in all genotypes. Drought and nitrogen deficiency have caused deceleration of leaf growth, reduction of segmental elongation rate (SER) and different increase in both bulk and spatial cell-wall peroxidase activities in the elongation zone of all genotypes. These results also confirmed significant genotypic differences in all investigated traits.

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