Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 50, No. 2 (2005)
Effect of greenhouse conditions on Zn, Fe and Cu content in tomato fruits Pages: 101 - 105
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Effects of different substrates on basil seedlings quality (Ocimum basilicum L.) Pages: 107 - 115
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Germination of the lovage seed in respect of fraction size and temperature at investigation Pages: 117 - 122
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Effects of the use of formic acid in different doses as the conserving in lucerne ensiling Pages: 123 - 129
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Effect of the use of synthetic sound during incubation in chicken Pages: 131 - 138
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Conservation of soil moisture in deep tillage rigosol under wheat and maize Pages: 139 - 152
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Plasticity of pseudogley soils in Ub community Pages: 153 - 159
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Analysis of drying potato kinetics in laboratory conditions Pages: 161 - 171
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Drying of the aqueous extract of acorn Quercus robur in a spout-fluid bed Pages: 173 - 182
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Possibilities of producing grape-based alcoholic drinks from newly created grapevine varieties Pages: 183 - 191
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Effects of some production factors on chemical composition and sensory qualities of Williams pear brandy Pages: 193 - 206
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A chaotic economic growth model and the agricultural share of an output Pages: 207 - 216
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Importance of phenological observations and predictions in agriculture Pages: 217 - 225
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Systems of cattle housing Pages: 227 - 233
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