
Comparison of field performance and fruit quality among newly released Italian june-bearing strawberry cultivars

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia (1,2)
University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, Belgrade, Serbia (3,4,5)

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Yield and quality of white wine cultivars Rhine Riesling B-21, Riesling Italian and Zupljanka in the vine district of Rasina

Faculty of Agriculture, Lešak (1,2)


A comparative study of different pruning ways and bud load, as well as their influence on growth, yield and quality of Rhine Riesling B-21, Riesling Italian, and Zupljanka vine cultivars in the conditions of the Rasina vine district, during the period 2000 - 2001, is given in this paper. This research results have shown that grape yield and quality varied, and the greatest grape yield was observed in the variant with the greatest bud load. The Rhine Riesling B-21 demonstrated the best results.

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