Quantitative aspects of enterprise rational management in the area of food products supplies management
Faculty of Economics, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina (1)
The total economy is based on the choice between possible alternatives as rational combination of incoming factors with a goal to achieve business optimum. The modern econometry transfers managerial tasks into the language of mathematics and it primarily serves for performing of theoretical results on real examples in a way to balance the constant disequilibria between actual and desired state of business system.
Quantitative aspects of enterprise rational management in the area of food products supplies management
Visoka škola za informatiku i menadžment 'Janjoš', Prijedor, BiH
The total economy is based on the choice between possible alternatives as rational combination of incoming factors with a goal to achieve business optimum. The modern econometry transfers managerial tasks into the language of mathematics and it primarily serves for performing of theoretical results on real examples in a way to balance the constant disequilibria between actual and desired state of business system.