Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 46, No. 2 (2001)
Influence of vegetation space and usage of artichoke plant on yield and quality of artichoke seed (Cynara scolimus L.) Pages: 97 - 104
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Ampelographic characteristics of new wine varieties created at the experimental station 'Radmilovac' Pages: 105 - 116
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The influence of pollen bees on the quantity of brood, honey and pollen at the time of flowering of (Sophora japonica) Pages: 117 - 121
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The influence of dry matter and heat treatment on the viscosity of set-style yogurt produced from reconstituted skim milk powder Pages: 123 - 135
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The influence of different heat treatments on the content and distribution of nitrogen matter from milk to sera obtained by aced coagulation of milk with glucono-δ-lactone (GDL) Pages: 137 - 148
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The investigations of quality of vegetable oil delivered as 'Humanitarian aid' Pages: 149 - 161
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Determination of uranium contents in the soils Pages: 163 - 174
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Livestock production as economic potential by regions in Hungary Pages: 175 - 184
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