Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 52, No. 2 (2007)
The effect of natural biostimulators and slow-disintegrating fertilizers on the quality of rosemary seedlings (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) Pages: 85 - 94
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Potential new tool for weed control in organically grown agronomic crops Pages: 95 - 104
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Effect of applying different rates of slow - disintegrating fertilizer on the quality of marigold (Tagetes patula L.) and scarlet sage seedlings (Salvia splendens L.) Pages: 105 - 113
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Salt tolerance of corn genotypes (Zea mays L.) during germination and later growth Pages: 115 - 120
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Influence of slow disintegrating fertilizer rates on quality of gazania (Gazania rigens L.) seedlings Pages: 121 - 130
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Influence of drought on seedling development in different corn genotypes (Zea mays L.) Pages: 131 - 136
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Determination of zones of different plum growing period length in Serbia Pages: 137 - 144
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Effect of land use on group and fractional composition of humus in rendzina soils in Serbia Pages: 145 - 153
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Determination of fluoride content in drinking water and tea infusions using fluoride ion selective electrode Pages: 155 - 168
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Determination of titratable acidity in white wine Pages: 169 - 184
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