Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 55, No. 1 (2010)
Effect of different substratum on treated sunflower seed germination Pages: 1 - 8
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Interaction hybrid × planting date for oil yield in sunflower Pages: 9 - 16
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Influence of mycorrhizal fungi on phytoremediating potential and yield of sunflower in Cd and Pb polluted soils Pages: 17 - 28
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Influence of biostimulant and substrate volume on root growth and development of scarlet sage (Salvia splendens L.) transplants Pages: 29 - 36
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Studies on the efficacy of some bacteria and fungi for control of Globodera restochiensis Pages: 37 - 44
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Possibilities for utilization of tobacco stems for production of energetic briquettes Pages: 45 - 54
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Effects of heat processing on soya bean fatty acids content and the lipoxygenase activity Pages: 55 - 64
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Comparison of different methods for determination of sodium chloride in cheese Pages: 65 - 77
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Economic analysis of wheat production on family farms Pages: 79 - 87
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Assessing ecological risks and benefits of genetically modified crops Pages: 89 - 101
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Plant protection products in organic grapevine growing Pages: 103 - 122
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