Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 59, No. 2 (2014)
Agro-nutritional variations of quality protein maize (Zea mays L.) in Nigeria Pages: 101 - 116
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Effects of decaying leaf litter and inorganic fertilizer on growth and development of maize (Zea mays L.) Pages: 117 - 127
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The performance of true seed shallot lines under different environments of Ethiopia Pages: 129 - 139
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Uticaj rase i načina ishrane na hemijski sastav leđnog masnog tkiva svinja kao potencijalne sirovine za biodizel Pages: 141 - 150
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Effect of land use change on the structure of gleyic fluvisols in Western Serbia Pages: 151 - 160
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Compliance of agrochemical marketers with banned cocoa pesticides in southwest Nigeria Pages: 161 - 174
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Rural livelihood diversification and income inequality in Akinyele local government area, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria Pages: 175 - 186
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Effect of rural infrastructure on profitability and productivity of cassava-based farms in odogbolu local government area, Ogun state, Nigeria Pages: 187 - 200
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Procena prinosa grožđa analizom digitalne fotografije čokota vinove loze Pages: 201 - 206
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