
Analysis of drying potato kinetics in laboratory conditions

Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade-Zemun (1,2)


Chemistry is in its nature a fundamental science, but nowadays its results are increasingly used in practice. In such a way, many syntheses of important nutrition and industrial compounds (chemical technology), or destruction of harmful substances (chemical ecology) have been developed. The analytic part of chemistry (analytical chemistry) has found a significant usage even in optimization of technological processes of food technology. One of the oldest ways of food preservation is drying (dehydration).

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Quality of potatoes grown in various regions of Serbia as influenced by heavy metal and pesticide residues concentrations

Institute of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade-Zemun (1,2)
Institute of Plant Protection and Food Products, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Belgrade-Zemun (3)


It is possible to decompose starch into monosaccharides by the method of acid starch hydrolysis. By applying appropriate chemical procedure, a main solution is obtained, from which aliquots are taken after filtration to determine of the present glucose according to Luff-Shoorlu method. The analysed potatoes of cv. Desiree, grown on various sites in Serbia, have starch content that corresponds to available literature data. The highest starch content is found in potatoes from Ivanjica and Novi Pazar, i.e.

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