Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 46, No. 1 (2001)
Investigation of mechanism of leaf growth inhibition in maize Pages: 1 - 16
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Involvement of cell-wall peroxidase in biochemical regulation of maize leaf growth Pages: 17 - 29
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The influence of training systems, bud load and pruning on agrobiological properties of variety Riesling Italian in the Orahovac vineyard district Pages: 31 - 39
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Yield and quality of new wine-grape varieties and clones of the Belgrade area Pages: 41 - 48
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The influence of genotype on ribwort-plantain (Plantago lanceolata) yield and quality Pages: 49 - 55
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Characteristics of Camembert-type cheese ripening produced from milk in which complex between casein and whey protein is formed Pages: 57 - 69
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The application of Latin square in agronomic research Pages: 71 - 77
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Lipids and biopackaging: Usage of lipids in edible films Pages: 79 - 87
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Influence of meteorological conditions on quality and chemical composition of tobacco Pages: 89 - 95
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