Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 61, No. 2 (2016)
Očekivana genetička dobit mase hiljadu zrna i broja zrna po klasu hlebne i durum pšenice Pages: 113 - 125
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Uticaj doze azotnih đubriva na prinos i komponente prinosa ozimog tritikalea Pages: 127 - 135
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Floristički sastav i biomasa korova u organskom usevu lucerke Pages: 137 - 150
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Response of maize to foliar application of zinc and azotobacter inoculation under different levels of urea fertilizer Pages: 151 - 162
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A first report of a new chemotype of Thymus migricus (klokov&desj-shost) from East Azarbaijan province of Iran Pages: 163 - 169
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Kontrola prevremenog opadanja plodova sorte jabuke ajdared upotrebom α-naftilsirćetne kiseline Pages: 171 - 180
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Transfer of metals from crude oil impacted soils to some native wetland species, the Niger-Delta, Nigeria: Implications for phytoremediation potentials Pages: 181 - 199
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Influence of harvester type and harvesting time on quality of harvested chamomile Pages: 201 - 213
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