Journal of Agricultural Sciences Belgrade Vol. 45, No. 2 (2000)
Some constraints on the application of methods for drain spacing determination in unsteady-state of flow in eugley soil Pages: 83 - 91
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Production-technological characteristics of some promising grapevine seedlings in the condition of experimental station 'Radmilovac' Pages: 93 - 99
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Grape yield and quality of white wines varieties in the Belgrade area Pages: 101 - 109
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Properties of co-precipitates obtained by different acids and distribution of milk nitrogen matter Pages: 111 - 119
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Application of ultrafiltration to apple juice clarification Pages: 121 - 130
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Influence of apple-celery cocktail on the level of hydration and endurance of athletes' organisms during their training Pages: 131 - 137
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Effect of oak acorn extracts on lipide oxidation kinetics Pages: 139 - 143
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Determination of the corrosion rate in tins filled with peas and string beans during storage Pages: 145 - 154
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